This music is inspired on the Labirinto on the entrance of the San Martino cathedral in Lucca, Toscana, Italia. It gave me a phantastic reason to work with my friend and fellow musician Luca Genta. He is great on whistles, recorders and fretless base guitar and I played my wonderful old Musser vibraphone and lots and lots of percussion instruments, ranging from a small udu to a large orchestral base drum. First reviews: “Music as a ray of light on a dark day!”, “Beautiful, mysterious and very relaxing music”
Musicisti di Strada is for all those artists who are not in the spotlight, but who bring joy and beauty to the streets, to hospitals, prisons, retirement homes. “Blessed the poets, misfits, writers, mystics, troubadours, music makers, dreamers & outsiders, for they teach us to see the world through different eyes.”
Pellegrino is inspired on the Via Francigena, a pilgrims road to Rome through La Bella Italia, on the way enjoying wonderful nature, architecture, and – last but not least – delicious Italian coffee & food.
Piazza San Michele is named after the square dedicated to archangel Michael. The music was inspired on the architecture of Italian churches and squares. “Music is liquid architecture; architecture is frozen music” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe).
Kyrie is music as a call for compassion, for mercy, for misericordia: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” (Jimi Hendrix)
The release of the complete album is planned for May 6th 2022, a day before World Labyrinth Day.
The title track Labirinto I dedicated to Jacobine, Arnoud and all caring & daring pastors, therapists, coaches, mentors and others: good company in the labyrinth of life! Listen on Spotify, YouTube, AppleMusic, Deezer and other music platforms!